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AREA 52 Cartoons
by Mike Wilkerson:  From Behind The Electrified Pencil...

AREA 52 "Electrified Cartoon":

Paul Dyl: Toy Totalitarian Extraordinaire...  Take 2

Something that, unfortunately, has been a hallmark of disgruntled people in Fleet, is the providing of services, which are quickly taken away when something becomes unacceptable in their Fleet careers.  There have been many instances like this in STARFLEET, however few were as explosive as the Paul Dyl problems shortly after Mike Smith was installed as Commander: STARFLEET.  Paul actually made points to be ignorant, in my opinion, so I did the first one of him acting like a child, and then this one, which is a "Pickle" (Dyl = Dill:  Shrug) driving away with his goods.  It's actually ironic, because not only would you not expect someone to "take up his toys and leave" in a volunteer organization like Fleet, but you also wouldn't expect a giant pickle to be driving a car...

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