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"Get Your Butt To College!"
by Mike Wilkerson, USS ATLAS, Region 12

There can be no doubt attending college is an enhancement to any of today's professions.  Finding funding for college has become more competitive in recent years, and if that's been a goal for your, your friends or a family member, you can also count on a rough ride while looking for support to that end.

That time, like the recent century, has come to and end, thanks to the crew of the USS ATLAS.

In August, 1999, the USS ATLAS initiated its official Scholarship Fund, for first time freshmen wishing to attend colleges around the world and one of the requirements that just about everyone reading this will be excited about, is that you need to be a member of STARFLEET International.

There are approximately 10 different fundraisers in action currently, from the "shipvertisement" shown on the front of this editorial site, to various charity events around the Fleet, to donations from people all over the world.

So what is it you need to do to take advantage of this scholarship?  It's easy:  Tell people about it!

The ATLAS needs you to be telling your members in high school getting ready to go off to college soon, access the application available at their website to apply for the scholarship. Their website has a very detailed listing of what, as far as requisites are required, as well as a downloadable application form that can be filled out and mailed to ATLAS HQ.  It's that simple.

Those of you that are asking "I've already been to college, dude," well, never fear!  You too can help the ATLAS "send people's butts to college!"  The ATLAS is accepting donations of any denomination to add to the mix that is the ATLAS Scholarship Fund.  All donations are completely tax deductible, and you will receive a certified letter of donation that can be used during tax time to show that you have been one of the many that wish to make a difference, and provide people with a solid venue to secondary education.

So visit the ATLAS' Scholarship Site today, and get those young people's butts in your chapter off to college, with the assistance of the USS ATLAS!

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