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"Show Your Spirit for Fred Wilkerson!"
by Mike Wilkerson, USS ATLAS, Region 12

As we all know, Life sometimes decides to "bring you in for a service check-up", and my Pop, Fred Wilkerson was the most recent customer to visit the local "Human Tune-Up Service Station", also known as the hospital.

Thursday morning, May 5th, my Dad was at work at Brink's lifting some MONEY and he began feeling dizzy and short of breath.  After summoning an ambulance and being taken to the hospital, he was diagnosed with "clogged pipes" (which means that the pathways meant to carry blood to the heart were clogged with plaque that builds up over a period of years).  There are many varying levels when it comes to this condition, but the doctors felt that he would benefit best from a "quadruple bypass" operation which took place recently.  Which brings us to the main thrust of this article (and a series of articles I hope...

STARFLEET as an organization has always been one to join together in times of crisis, and if ever there was a time that I would like to draw on the power of positive thinking, now is the time.  So here's the challenge for FLEET to rally toward:

Fill out the form below, which will compose an Email message that will be stockpiled in the 100+ I've already received, which I will print out, put into a book and send Priority Air to my Pop's house for after he arrives home from his operation.

That's it:  It doesn't get much easier, and if you have questions, contact me!  I would be happy to provide more filler information for ya'!  Thanks for making the "newest member of the Letterman Club"s Day, and thanks for "Showing Your Spirit!"

Your Name:
Email Address:

Thanks again for "Showing Your Spirit" and have a great day!

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